
Completely Customized

Completely Customized

The Gateway is Configurable to your flow branding, site layout and business rules.

Bank Grade Secure

Bank Grade

PCI DSS & AES Encryption, IP Validation, OTP, Scoring & Fraud detection

Fastest Activation | GO Live in Minutes

Fastest Activation | GO Live in Minutes

Cut down your Setup time. Get immediate Payments activations.

Best Offer Prices!

Best Offer

Best Rates. Discounts by Category, Volume, Transactions and Business Commitment.

Fast & Successful Every time

Reflect payments immediately. Offer Auto Retry for Failed Payments.

Easy Flow with Seamless Checkout

Easy Flow with Seamless Checkout

Time tested & simplest user interface for user transactions.

Easy Reconciliation & Refunds

Easy Reconciliation & Refunds

Convenient EOD Reconciliation Reports & Time bound Payment Credit Cycles

24*7 Support


24*7 Voice, Email & SMS support | Dedicated Account Managers

Readily Integrable


Simple API Integration With flexibility, control & documentation at your side.

Multi-Currency & Multi-Payment Modes

Multi-Currency & Multi-Payment Modes

Debit, Credit, Visa and Master, UPI COIN, e-Wallet, Net Banking, etc.

VePay Features

  • Co-Branded / White Label Solution: Meet your financial goals through a successful co-brand program
  • e-Wallet Solution: Give your customers freedom to pay with their digital wallet
  • Multiple Channel Payment: Accept payment across all sales channel with a single payment solution
  • QR Based/ OneTap Payment Acceptance: Scan QR code or Tap on NFC based payment to enable seamless acceptance
  • Responsive Mobile Interface: Interface to Adapt to any device
  • Dynamic Currency Conversion Solution: Enable payments in international currencies with on the fly conversions
  • Fraud Detection & Risk Management : Provide highest level of protection & risk assessment for all transactions
  • Event Notifications: Define event in the system to let you receive alerts on phone, screen, SMS & email.
  • Smart Reporting and Payment Analytics: Get insight of transaction to effectively scale your business
  • Recurring Payment: Convenience of processing recurring payment automatically